What does it mean to be a Founder 2.0?
May 13, 2020
Are you ready to learn about two of the biggest incentives to build your business right now?
That's right. We're chatting about Founders 2.0 and the 2021 Incentive Trip: Playa Del Carmen.
dōTERRA is blessing us with two incentives and amazing rewards for building and nurturing our businesses! Let's break those opportunities down.
*Bonus: We can double-dip on the points.

What does it mean to be a Founder 2.0?
dōTERRA is looking for the next generation of leaders. The builders that will create momentum and take their dōTERRA businesses to the next level. The builders that are passionate about serving the world with a non-toxic life and will build not only financial freedom but time freedom.
Anyone who qualifies for one of the 200 spots will receive a 1/200th share in a 2% pool of all US volume between $1 billion and $2 billion in annual net sales. What would this share do for you and family's life? Would this allow you to pay off debt? Would this allow you to support more charities you care about?
Think of the possibilities it can afford you.

If you need help getting the attention of new builders...
Share these on Instagram:
Share this with new enrollments:
Use this to keep track of your points:

It's your turn to step up and become the next generation of dōTERRA leaders!
Anyone can become a US Founder 2.0. Read that again... ANYONE.
Do you love sharing oils? Do you love supporting your builders to reach their goals? Do you love being rewarded for your hard work? Then is sounds like Founder's Club 2.0 is for you, but here are only 200 spots. These spots are reserved for the first 200 people that reach 1000 points.
Its time to do what you do best:
Prepare - https://www.onedropdesigns.com/item/?id=18203
Invite - https://www.onedropdesigns.com/item/?id=20110
Present - https://www.onedropdesigns.com/item/?id=30641
Enroll - https://www.onedropdesigns.com/item/?id=37434
Support - https://www.onedropdesigns.com/item/?id=46941

Ready to push for Founders Club 2.0 AND the Playa Del Carmen Incentive Trip? 🙌🙌🙌
dōTERRA has granted us a beautiful opportunity to earn both of these amazing rewards.
Every time you earn points toward the Incentive trip, it can earn you points toward Founder's Club!
How do we do this? Keeping our momentum on money-making activities! Teach, Enroll, LRP, Support Customers, Find Builders, Support those Leaders
How do you earn points for Founders Club 2.0?
- Personal enrollments
- Personal rank advancements
- Supporting your leaders and their achievements
How do you earn points for the Incentive Trip?
- Personal enrollments
- Reactivating past LRPs who have not ordered in 3+ months
Check out these awesome related resources on One Drop:
Incentive Images: https://www.onedropdesigns.com/item/?id=68899
Builder Training: https://www.onedropdesigns.com/item/?id=22765
Educate: https://www.onedropdesigns.com/item/?id=8110
LRP: https://www.onedropdesigns.com/item/?id=49851
Support your builders: https://www.onedropdesigns.com/item/?id=39226

Love some of the ideas in this email? GREAT! Points start accumulating on May 15th. Map out your classes. Make your new list of 100. Teach. Enroll. LRP. Support. We are here for you.
Join our incredible Facebook Community with weekly live Q&As focused on your business questions.