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Learn how to write great content

We've all heard "content is king",

but what the heck does that even mean? What does it mean to have good content? Why is it important? And most the hell do you create it?

You are in luck, today I'm diving into all those things (and giving you some of my favorite tips along the way 😉).

First things first, content is essentially what you write to post with those beautiful graphics our contributors design for you.

Great copy should deliver value, whether education-based or engagement-based. It should tell more than just facts, it should craft a story.

Tips for Writing Better Content

  • Give your post a HEADLINE (this is usually the "juiciest" part of your main content)
  • Break your main content up into small digestible pieces (heavy paragraphs will often make people tune out and stop reading; many people on social media will scan the content find one juicy piece and then reread the whole piece again)
  • Start with a story
  • Tie the story to what you are educating about or selling (unless this is a hard sell *hint* more on that next week)
  • End your content by bringing it back to your story
  • Seal it with a CTA (call-to-action) - ask them to share the post, like the post, comment, buy something, email you, etc; TELL THEM THEIR NEXT STEPS


HEADLINE/ HOOK: This bottle of lemon saved my sanity the other day. 😆

MAIN CONTENT: I want to invite you to pull up a chair and join me for my hot mess mom moment. #weveallbeenthere

I was in the middle of reheating my cup of coffee for the third time (you read that correctly, the same cup from 8:00 am), shoving around worksheets #instanthomeschoolmom, trying to get the dogs outside, when all of the sudden there was a loud audible "uh-oh" from the freshly painted hallway.

The way my morning was going, I honestly didn't want to go look.

But I did.


The walls. My beautiful, crisp, white walls were suddenly a 3-year-old's mural of our family... done completely in Sharpie (where the heck did she get those?).

I have been using oils for years, and in my reheat-my-coffee-homeschool-dog-mom-sobbing moment, I almost forgot about lemon.


EDUCATE: Lemon is incredible for getting sticker residue, crayon, marker, etc off of almost anything with just lemon oil and a little bit of elbow grease.

BRING IT BACK: So, I reheated my coffee for the FOURTH time, rolled up my sleeves, and cleaned those walls.

CTA: Lemon oil just happens to be the POM this month, go upgrade your LRP to 125 PV this month before the 15th and grab this toddler mom's best friend.

Be sure to hop on live in the Facebook Group on Friday at 10 am PST for my Live Q & A!

I'll see you soon!


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