Beautiful Background Photos for Your dōTERRA Business

You need attention-grabbing images to engage your dōTERRA community and get them to take action. Our beautiful dōTERRA stock background images are the perfect choice to use with your educational dōTERRA social media posts, your dōTERRA newsletters and emails, on your dōTERRA website, and even if you’re feeling creative and want to make a dōTERRA graphic or eBook on your own!

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dōTERRA Background Photos

Why are dōTERRA Background Photos so Important for Wellness Advocates?

  • 93% of human communication is visual. What makes your following stop scrolling and learn more about your business? Images. Beautiful, one-of-kind images. The ones that make people 😍
  • If you really want to make a positive lasting impression you need unique background images, and content and that’s why One Drop exists! To help you get your audience to stop and listen.
  • Trying every photo editing software you can find to create background photos for your social media posts? Spending hours trying to make adjustments that make your images look professional ... realizing why you never became a photographer? Does the stress have you reaching for your bottle of Adaptiv??
  • Hundreds of Wellness Advocates rely on our team of professionals to create eye-catching, easy to use background images and content for their campaigns.
  • Or if you’ve got the content and know what you want to say to your customers, but you don’t know how to get it seen or heard. The engagement probably isn't coming and you’re getting discouraged.
  • One Drop dōTERRA background photos are a phenomenal tool to aid your success. Gorgeous photos of color and beautiful natural patterns help grab your audience’s attention.
  • Now you can focus on building relationships, not fumbling over photos and graphics.
  • Show up by giving your marketing strategy a fresh start. Stop settling for mediocre marketing with generic images, common photos that feel “corporate” … or worse yet, grabbing photos from Google Images or Pinterest and face copyright concerns 😬
  • One Drop’s library of backgrounds, mixed with our top-notch content, will have you posting quality content that engages in minutes. We’re here to put an end to bad graphics. No stress, no mess all you have to do is show up for your business consistently.

What is the secret sauce that over 5,000 Wellness Advocates are OBSESSED with?

See what real Wellness Advocates have to say about running their dōTERRA business with One Drop in their pocket.

Harness the power of beautiful dōTERRA background photos all crowdsourced from the best photographers around the world