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Fun Fresh Diffuser Challenge Printable

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By : Jan Kohler

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Item Description

Fun Fresh Diffuser Blends - Challenge Printable 8.5x11 in pdf or png
See the 30 days of posts and stories here

I’m taking this month to challenge you to diffuse in your home (or your office or your car) every single day.

I want you to feel the benefits of using your oils every day (even if you are not putting them on your body) because you will feel better after these 30+ days together.

**please watermark images to protect your investment

* Follow my contributor page for more graphics  

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Item Description

Fun Fresh Diffuser Blends - Challenge Printable 8.5x11 in pdf or png
See the 30 days of posts and stories here

I’m taking this month to challenge you to diffuse in your home (or your office or your car) every single day.

I want you to feel the benefits of using your oils every day (even if you are not putting them on your body) because you will feel better after these 30+ days together.

**please watermark images to protect your investment

* Follow my contributor page for more graphics