2,570 Captivating dōTERRA Lifestyle Photos
Elevate your brand with beautiful stock photos of people using dōTERRA oils. These curated stock dōTERRA photos feature the dōTERRA life with a range of women, men, and children using dōTERRA essential oils in daily life. You’ll find the perfect image for your website or your next newsletter, and everything in between. Bring your dōTERRA business to life with these eye-catching photos!
1 - 36 of 2,570 dōTERRA Lifestyle Photos
Why are dōTERRA Lifestyle Photos so Important for Wellness Advocates?
- First impressions matter. Lifestyle photos are an easy way to really add YOUR personality to your business. It’s strategic in your marketing to use lifestyle photos because it conveys an emotion - showing your customers what the “dōTERRA life” looks like.
- Capturing the attention of your followers isn’t easy without UNIQUE, high-quality, scroll-stopping photos. It can feel impossible though, especially if photography isn’t your thing.
- That’s where we come in. One Drop makes it easy to give your followers a glimpse into your life and your business, without hassle and frustration of trying to be a photographer.
- You want to capture a flat lay to really showcase your favorite oils. But ... You started your business to change lives, not spend your free time learning lighting techniques for your pictures … or spending hours trying to edit them in software that doesn’t make sense
- You want eye-catching photos that pop in your feed, but you just don’t have the time to learn how to make that happen. One Drop has you covered! No more time wasted trying to find the right lighting, or endless frustration after taking the hundredth photo wrong — again 😩
- Showing up on social media is the key to your success, especially right now. Stop wasting time trying to snap the perfect shot. Or worse yet, missing moments with your kids that you’ll never get back, because you wanted the perfect picture of the oils you use for green cleaning products.
- With One Drop, you can have the best of both worlds. Quality time and quality content.
- Just subscribe, download one of our thousands of inspiring made-for-you lifestyle photos, and share — you’ll have your followers engaging with you in minutes — without having to give up those special moments.
- People love authenticity. Your lifestyle photos should represent who you are and the voice you want your following to hear. You’ve got the written content, but photography isn’t your thing and generic lifestyle photos just don’t give your customers a true glimpse into your dōTERRA life or business.
- One Drop makes marketing yourself and your business a breeze.
- In search of the perfect picture to give your followers a taste of how dōTERRA fits into your lifestyle? More dōTERRA lifestyle photos are being added daily by hundreds of photographers who are also Wellness Advocates, just like you.
What is the secret sauce that over 5,000 Wellness Advocates are OBSESSED with?
See what real Wellness Advocates have to say about running their dōTERRA business with One Drop in their pocket.

Harness the power of 2,570 incredible dōTERRA lifestyle photos all crowdsourced from the best dōTERRA photographers around the world