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FLOOT Immunity Blend

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By : Amanda Cronk

Item Description

Beautiful flat lay image of the 5 foundational essential oils that are incredible to supporting your immune system! You can remember this combination with the acronym: FLOOT (or FLOOM).

On Guard
Tea Tree/Melaleuca

These 5 essential oils can be used in a roller blend, diffuser blend (maybe omit the Oregano - it doesn't smell amazing) and they can also be taken interally using a veggie capsule. Share this image on your Facebook & Instagram to educate your customers on how to support their body. To get some engagement, have your customers share their favourite tips on how they care for their immune health. Who knows, maybe you'll even learn something from them! 

Lean on your essential oils to keep your body healthy & strong this season!

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Item Description

Beautiful flat lay image of the 5 foundational essential oils that are incredible to supporting your immune system! You can remember this combination with the acronym: FLOOT (or FLOOM).

On Guard
Tea Tree/Melaleuca

These 5 essential oils can be used in a roller blend, diffuser blend (maybe omit the Oregano - it doesn't smell amazing) and they can also be taken interally using a veggie capsule. Share this image on your Facebook & Instagram to educate your customers on how to support their body. To get some engagement, have your customers share their favourite tips on how they care for their immune health. Who knows, maybe you'll even learn something from them! 

Lean on your essential oils to keep your body healthy & strong this season!