
Item Description
Use this kit as a Make & Take in person, an ONLINE Make & Take Class or as incentives or welcome gifts.
- Summary 5x7 card (Supply List, Recipes, Directions)
- Recipe Cards (individual to print wiht blend benefits for 9 blends)
- Labels for all 9 blends
- **Only includes Healthy Start Kit Oils
Clear Skin: 6 Lavender, 6 Tea Tree, 3 Frankincense
Immunity: 8 Protective Blend, 5 Tea Tree, 3 Frankincense, 2 Oregano
Sleep: 9 Lavender, 3 Frankincense, 3 Respiratory Blend
Tummy: 10 Digestive Blend, 5 Lemon
Relief: 8 Soothing Blend, 8 Frankincese, 8 Lavender
Seasonal: 8 Lemon, 8 Lavender, 8 Peppermint
Sinuses: 5 Digestive Blend, 5 Respiratory Blend, 5 Lavender
Stress: 8 Frankincense, 8 Lavender
Energy: 5 Peppermint, 5 Lemon, 5 Respiratory Blend
View My Collection of Online Classes & Premium Items HERE
Check out individual classes here:
Item Description
Use this kit as a Make & Take in person, an ONLINE Make & Take Class or as incentives or welcome gifts.
- Summary 5x7 card (Supply List, Recipes, Directions)
- Recipe Cards (individual to print wiht blend benefits for 9 blends)
- Labels for all 9 blends
- **Only includes Healthy Start Kit Oils
Clear Skin: 6 Lavender, 6 Tea Tree, 3 Frankincense
Immunity: 8 Protective Blend, 5 Tea Tree, 3 Frankincense, 2 Oregano
Sleep: 9 Lavender, 3 Frankincense, 3 Respiratory Blend
Tummy: 10 Digestive Blend, 5 Lemon
Relief: 8 Soothing Blend, 8 Frankincese, 8 Lavender
Seasonal: 8 Lemon, 8 Lavender, 8 Peppermint
Sinuses: 5 Digestive Blend, 5 Respiratory Blend, 5 Lavender
Stress: 8 Frankincense, 8 Lavender
Energy: 5 Peppermint, 5 Lemon, 5 Respiratory Blend
View My Collection of Online Classes & Premium Items HERE
Check out individual classes here: