
Item Description
This is a 4x6 in printable postcard that you can print and send to customers via snail mail or place inside welcome goody bags. You can also use it as a class invite. There are some intentional white spaces left for you to add your contact information or your own sticker. Upon purchase you are provided a zip file with image files and a video tutorial for printing on vistaprint. This card is friendly for all markets. There is a diffuser blend that calls for Breathe blend and alternatives with Easy Air and Air are also provided.
Item Description
This is a 4x6 in printable postcard that you can print and send to customers via snail mail or place inside welcome goody bags. You can also use it as a class invite. There are some intentional white spaces left for you to add your contact information or your own sticker. Upon purchase you are provided a zip file with image files and a video tutorial for printing on vistaprint. This card is friendly for all markets. There is a diffuser blend that calls for Breathe blend and alternatives with Easy Air and Air are also provided.