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Citrus Oils with Greenery; Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, dōTERRA Wild Orange

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By : Janita O'Hara

Item Description

Image of 4 citrus oils available. Citrus oils are uplifting, cleansing, and energy boosting. Lemon, lime and grapefruit are also great to add to your water. Diffuse these oils with woodsy oils such as copaiba for a grounding yet uplifting blend. 

Image of Copaiba

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Item Description

Image of 4 citrus oils available. Citrus oils are uplifting, cleansing, and energy boosting. Lemon, lime and grapefruit are also great to add to your water. Diffuse these oils with woodsy oils such as copaiba for a grounding yet uplifting blend. 

Image of Copaiba