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Sinus Steamer

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By : Amber Clemons

Item Description

These images can be used on social media, in email newsletters or sent to members when they ask for a recipe - just please make sure to watermark with your logo to protect my work!

There are 4 images; 2 blank and 2 with instructions.

Add two drops of each oil into a mug of hot water, lean over and deeply inhale. Make sure to close your eyes.

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Product Photos

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Item Description

These images can be used on social media, in email newsletters or sent to members when they ask for a recipe - just please make sure to watermark with your logo to protect my work!

There are 4 images; 2 blank and 2 with instructions.

Add two drops of each oil into a mug of hot water, lean over and deeply inhale. Make sure to close your eyes.