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4th of July | Keep Me Calm Diffuser Blend

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By : Louise Mulholland

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Item Description

If you have a dog that gets anxious with firework noise, help keep them calm with this diffuser blend.

Other things to help: 
  • Exercise your dogs earlier in the day, so they are tired and more likely to rest when the fireworks are going on. If it's too hot to exercise them outside, run them through some dog commands or play with them inside. This will also tire them out. 
  • Give your dog a "high value" toy/treat during the time fireworks are on. (A special toy/treat that is new or that they love and don't have access to all the time) 
  • Keep the music or TV going inside to help distract them. 
  • Stay home with them if you can, so they can be near you. That's what they really want anyway! 
  • Don't leave them in a locked up room, they will only get more anxious
  • Diffuse this blend for them to support calmness. In rooms with open doorways. 
  • Add a drop of Balance®, Serenity®, or Lavender to their bandana. 
  • You can also take 10 drops of each of these same oils and add to a 6 oz spray bottle, top with water and spray dog bedding, compression vests, bandana, collars, etc. Avoid eye areas. 
  • If you're taking them outside for bathroom breaks, keep them on a leash and make sure they have a collar with ID.  Even a normally mellow dog has potential to bolt when they hear the loud cracking noise of fireworks. 
  • Also if you have cats, this diffuser aroma can help support calmness for them too. Just don't forget to keep open doors inside your home when diffusing. You always want to allow your pets the opportunity to leave a room if they don't like the aroma. 
👉🏻👉🏻Don't forget the days leading up to Memorial Day and other Patriotic Holidays and afterwards when the neighborhoods are still using fireworks. 

❇️Square orientation graphic for social media posts. Can also use in stories or texts. Please add your watermark/logo before using. 🔆To see frequent new graphics, please follow me as a contributor. Thank you for downloading and have a lovely day! 

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Item Description

If you have a dog that gets anxious with firework noise, help keep them calm with this diffuser blend.

Other things to help: 
  • Exercise your dogs earlier in the day, so they are tired and more likely to rest when the fireworks are going on. If it's too hot to exercise them outside, run them through some dog commands or play with them inside. This will also tire them out. 
  • Give your dog a "high value" toy/treat during the time fireworks are on. (A special toy/treat that is new or that they love and don't have access to all the time) 
  • Keep the music or TV going inside to help distract them. 
  • Stay home with them if you can, so they can be near you. That's what they really want anyway! 
  • Don't leave them in a locked up room, they will only get more anxious
  • Diffuse this blend for them to support calmness. In rooms with open doorways. 
  • Add a drop of Balance®, Serenity®, or Lavender to their bandana. 
  • You can also take 10 drops of each of these same oils and add to a 6 oz spray bottle, top with water and spray dog bedding, compression vests, bandana, collars, etc. Avoid eye areas. 
  • If you're taking them outside for bathroom breaks, keep them on a leash and make sure they have a collar with ID.  Even a normally mellow dog has potential to bolt when they hear the loud cracking noise of fireworks. 
  • Also if you have cats, this diffuser aroma can help support calmness for them too. Just don't forget to keep open doors inside your home when diffusing. You always want to allow your pets the opportunity to leave a room if they don't like the aroma. 
👉🏻👉🏻Don't forget the days leading up to Memorial Day and other Patriotic Holidays and afterwards when the neighborhoods are still using fireworks. 

❇️Square orientation graphic for social media posts. Can also use in stories or texts. Please add your watermark/logo before using. 🔆To see frequent new graphics, please follow me as a contributor. Thank you for downloading and have a lovely day!