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dōTERRA Balance Hormones // DIY Roller Blend

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By : Carol Niemann

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Item Description

Ladies, this one’s for you. We all could use a little help in the hormone balancing department, right? Please tell me I’m not the only one… 😬

In a 10 mL roller add:
💧 15 drops Clary Sage
💧 10 drops Lavender
💧 5 drops Ylang Ylang
💧 5 drops Geranium

Top with carrier oil and apply to the lower back, abdomen, and feet the week before, and during your cycle. 

What is your GO-TO for that time of the month?


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Item Description

Ladies, this one’s for you. We all could use a little help in the hormone balancing department, right? Please tell me I’m not the only one… 😬

In a 10 mL roller add:
💧 15 drops Clary Sage
💧 10 drops Lavender
💧 5 drops Ylang Ylang
💧 5 drops Geranium

Top with carrier oil and apply to the lower back, abdomen, and feet the week before, and during your cycle. 

What is your GO-TO for that time of the month?


Remember to watermark your download before posting.

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