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dōTERRA Balance Natural Deodorant - with copy :)

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By : Emily Rose Wellness

Item Description

Did you know? doTERRA's Natural Deodorant scores a #1 on the EWG website? It is as safe and as clean as you can get when it comes to deodorant, plus it smells divine.

Balance deodorant is aluminum free, talc free, paraben free and free from artificial fragrances. The ingredients are so clean you could eat it : arrowroot powder, Shea butter, coconut oil, baking soda, sunflower oil, jojoba, caster oil. It’s good stuff friends, and the price point of $8.75 is incredible. Ditch your store-bought deodorant and come to the light! It’s a good place to be 👏🏽



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Item Description

Did you know? doTERRA's Natural Deodorant scores a #1 on the EWG website? It is as safe and as clean as you can get when it comes to deodorant, plus it smells divine.

Balance deodorant is aluminum free, talc free, paraben free and free from artificial fragrances. The ingredients are so clean you could eat it : arrowroot powder, Shea butter, coconut oil, baking soda, sunflower oil, jojoba, caster oil. It’s good stuff friends, and the price point of $8.75 is incredible. Ditch your store-bought deodorant and come to the light! It’s a good place to be 👏🏽



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