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Brave - Kids Collection

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By : Jan Kohler

Item Description

Back to school theme - start thinking about gearing back up for school and our usual routines...
See the back to school themed graphics collection of 30 posts here:

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When your child is feeling self-doubt, worry, or anxious, reach for Brave™ Courage Blend. This energizing blend promotes confidence and belief in oneself. It can be helpful to keep on hand before a sports event, musical performance, test, or anytime children need a little encouragement to believe in themselves. 

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Social Media Posts

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Item Description

Back to school theme - start thinking about gearing back up for school and our usual routines...
See the back to school themed graphics collection of 30 posts here:

Thanks for downloading my graphics, make sure to follow me for more!

Please add your watermark to each graphic. 

When your child is feeling self-doubt, worry, or anxious, reach for Brave™ Courage Blend. This energizing blend promotes confidence and belief in oneself. It can be helpful to keep on hand before a sports event, musical performance, test, or anytime children need a little encouragement to believe in themselves.