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Calmer Kids Blend

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By : Jan Kohler

Item Description

Calmer Restful Blend promotes a serene atmosphere, allowing bedtime to be a peaceful and welcomed experience. Rolling Calmer onto the bottoms of feet and the back of the neck helps create a calming, relaxing environment when tensions are high. Combining the soothing properties of Lavender, Cananga, Buddha Wood, and Roman Chamomile essential oils in a convenient and safe delivery method along with the skin moisturizing benefits of Fractionated Coconut Oil, Calmer can be used as part of your nightly ritual. Cananga and Buddha Wood essential oils, unique to Calmer, create a restful atmosphere. When it's time to restore your mind and body, apply Calmer to your wrists, breathe, and relax.

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Item Description

Calmer Restful Blend promotes a serene atmosphere, allowing bedtime to be a peaceful and welcomed experience. Rolling Calmer onto the bottoms of feet and the back of the neck helps create a calming, relaxing environment when tensions are high. Combining the soothing properties of Lavender, Cananga, Buddha Wood, and Roman Chamomile essential oils in a convenient and safe delivery method along with the skin moisturizing benefits of Fractionated Coconut Oil, Calmer can be used as part of your nightly ritual. Cananga and Buddha Wood essential oils, unique to Calmer, create a restful atmosphere. When it's time to restore your mind and body, apply Calmer to your wrists, breathe, and relax.