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dōTERRA Copaiba Touch| Social Media Bundle

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By : Alicia Thomas

Item Description

Copaiba essential oil is derived from the resin of the copaiba tree, found in tropical South America. Since the 16th century, Copaiba essential oil has been used by the natives of north and northeastern Brazil in traditional health practices. 

Copaiba Touch Social Media Post 
Copaiba Touch Story Graphic 

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Social Media Posts

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US, Canada

Item Description

Copaiba essential oil is derived from the resin of the copaiba tree, found in tropical South America. Since the 16th century, Copaiba essential oil has been used by the natives of north and northeastern Brazil in traditional health practices. 

Copaiba Touch Social Media Post 
Copaiba Touch Story Graphic 

*Please make sure to watermark all graphics, don't forget to hit the follow button to stay up to date with new graphics dropping.