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Davana Touch Benefits and Uses

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By : Jan Kohler

Item Description

The Davana plant is a member of the Asteraceae family and is a relative to the sunflower and daisy. It is a small, fragrant, flowering herb with soft, silver, fern-like leaves and small yellow flowers. Often grown in the home gardens of India, the plant attracts many species of butterflies. Davana Touch features a pleasant, herbaceous aroma with plum and raisin notes. When applied to the skin, this rich and adaptive oil creates an aroma unique to each individual. Fractionated Coconut Oil helps hydrate skin and maintains the skin’s natural barrier.

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Item Description

The Davana plant is a member of the Asteraceae family and is a relative to the sunflower and daisy. It is a small, fragrant, flowering herb with soft, silver, fern-like leaves and small yellow flowers. Often grown in the home gardens of India, the plant attracts many species of butterflies. Davana Touch features a pleasant, herbaceous aroma with plum and raisin notes. When applied to the skin, this rich and adaptive oil creates an aroma unique to each individual. Fractionated Coconut Oil helps hydrate skin and maintains the skin’s natural barrier.