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DIY Reusable Dust Wipes

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By : Melanie Holding

Item Description

This square graphic features ingredients for making your own reusable dust wipes.

2 cups distilled water
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp white vinegar
25 drops Lemon oil

Cut 3-5 cloth towels into fourths or quarters.
In a large bowl combine all ingredients and add cloths.
Soak until cloths are saturated.
Ring each cloth out and tightly roll up cloths and store in an airtight container.
If your clothes dry out, just dampen them with water to refresh.

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Item Description

This square graphic features ingredients for making your own reusable dust wipes.

2 cups distilled water
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp white vinegar
25 drops Lemon oil

Cut 3-5 cloth towels into fourths or quarters.
In a large bowl combine all ingredients and add cloths.
Soak until cloths are saturated.
Ring each cloth out and tightly roll up cloths and store in an airtight container.
If your clothes dry out, just dampen them with water to refresh.

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There are more graphics that go along with this one! See more of my images: