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DMAIC Cycle (Problem Solving Strategy)

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By : Jocelyne Geprägs

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Item Description

Your download contains:

  • one image featuring a pie chart of the DMAIC system

About DMAIC (copy for your social media post)

"The DMAIC methodology has its roots in the PDSA (“plan, do, study, act”) cycle developed by statistician Walter A. Shewhart at Bell Laboratories in the 1930s. It helps you to define and improve problems in your business.

Source: Tanner, S. (2020, March 30). DMAIC Process: The 5 Phases of Lean Sigma You Must Know.; Simplilearn."




1080 x 1080 px (Square)


Browse my library to download the DMAIC printable with details and a deeper understanding of the DMAIC cycle.

Protection and permissions:

Remember to add your watermark or copyright to each image to protect its value. This is a single use licence. You’re welcome to use the presentation for promotional purposes and in your classes. Please send your builders to this page to download their own copy. 

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Social Media Posts

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Item Description

Your download contains:

  • one image featuring a pie chart of the DMAIC system

About DMAIC (copy for your social media post)

"The DMAIC methodology has its roots in the PDSA (“plan, do, study, act”) cycle developed by statistician Walter A. Shewhart at Bell Laboratories in the 1930s. It helps you to define and improve problems in your business.

Source: Tanner, S. (2020, March 30). DMAIC Process: The 5 Phases of Lean Sigma You Must Know.; Simplilearn."




1080 x 1080 px (Square)


Browse my library to download the DMAIC printable with details and a deeper understanding of the DMAIC cycle.

Protection and permissions:

Remember to add your watermark or copyright to each image to protect its value. This is a single use licence. You’re welcome to use the presentation for promotional purposes and in your classes. Please send your builders to this page to download their own copy.