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Fruit and Veggie Wash

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By : Jan Kohler

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Getting fresh fruits and veggies in your home helps you and your family to grab healthy snacks throughout the day. The only unfortunate side of the produce section or farmers market is most of the produce has been sprayed with pesticides and then also a waxy coating to give them that nice, shiny appearance. 🤢

Once produce makes its way into my kitchen the first thing I do is clean it. 

Goodbye Toxins, Hello Nature


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Item Description

*single image download

Getting fresh fruits and veggies in your home helps you and your family to grab healthy snacks throughout the day. The only unfortunate side of the produce section or farmers market is most of the produce has been sprayed with pesticides and then also a waxy coating to give them that nice, shiny appearance. 🤢

Once produce makes its way into my kitchen the first thing I do is clean it. 

Goodbye Toxins, Hello Nature
