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Gen Z | Loyalty Reward Program

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By : Jess Tunis

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Item Description

Gen Z | Loyalty Reward Program

The doTERRA Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP) is a customer loyalty program offered by doTERRA. The LRP is designed to reward repeat customers for their loyalty and regular purchases. Here's a summarized overview of how the program works:

  1. Enrollment: Customers can enroll in the LRP program when they become a doTERRA Wholesale Member or a Preferred Member. This usually involves purchasing an enrollment kit and agreeing to a monthly order commitment.

  2. Monthly Orders: LRP participants commit to placing a monthly order of doTERRA products. The order's total volume, usually measured in points, determines the rewards and benefits earned.

  3. Accrual of Rewards Points: With each LRP order, participants earn reward points. These points can be used to redeem products and earn discounts.

  4. Earning Points: Participants receive a percentage of their total LRP order's value back in the form of reward points. The percentage of points earned increases with consecutive months of participation. For example, if you consistently place orders for several months, your percentage of points earned could increase over time.

  5. Shipping Rewards: Participants can also earn reward points to cover the cost of shipping for their LRP orders. This helps to incentivize regular monthly purchases.

  6. Product of the Month: LRP participants who meet certain criteria (usually placing an LRP order of a certain size) can receive a free "Product of the Month" on top of their other rewards.

  7. Flexibility: The LRP program allows participants to customize their monthly order each month. This means you can choose different products based on your changing needs.

  8. Redemption: Accrued reward points can be redeemed for doTERRA products of your choice. The number of points needed for each product varies based on the product's value.

  9. Cancellation: Participants can cancel their LRP participation at any time, but it's important to review the program's terms and conditions to understand any potential consequences or loss of benefits.

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Item Description

Gen Z | Loyalty Reward Program

The doTERRA Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP) is a customer loyalty program offered by doTERRA. The LRP is designed to reward repeat customers for their loyalty and regular purchases. Here's a summarized overview of how the program works:

  1. Enrollment: Customers can enroll in the LRP program when they become a doTERRA Wholesale Member or a Preferred Member. This usually involves purchasing an enrollment kit and agreeing to a monthly order commitment.

  2. Monthly Orders: LRP participants commit to placing a monthly order of doTERRA products. The order's total volume, usually measured in points, determines the rewards and benefits earned.

  3. Accrual of Rewards Points: With each LRP order, participants earn reward points. These points can be used to redeem products and earn discounts.

  4. Earning Points: Participants receive a percentage of their total LRP order's value back in the form of reward points. The percentage of points earned increases with consecutive months of participation. For example, if you consistently place orders for several months, your percentage of points earned could increase over time.

  5. Shipping Rewards: Participants can also earn reward points to cover the cost of shipping for their LRP orders. This helps to incentivize regular monthly purchases.

  6. Product of the Month: LRP participants who meet certain criteria (usually placing an LRP order of a certain size) can receive a free "Product of the Month" on top of their other rewards.

  7. Flexibility: The LRP program allows participants to customize their monthly order each month. This means you can choose different products based on your changing needs.

  8. Redemption: Accrued reward points can be redeemed for doTERRA products of your choice. The number of points needed for each product varies based on the product's value.

  9. Cancellation: Participants can cancel their LRP participation at any time, but it's important to review the program's terms and conditions to understand any potential consequences or loss of benefits.

You will receive one square and one story graphic


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