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Itty Bitty: Tiny Teeth and Essential Oils

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By : Natural Life with Julie

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Item Description

Itty Bitty: Tiny Teeth

Another rite of passage of parenting is cutting of teeth. You know it's coming when the babes start soaking through their bibs and clothing with drool. As always, we have an oil for that! 🦷


In a 10 mL roller bottle combine:

5 drops Copaiba

5 drops Lavender

5 drops Roman Chamomile

5 drops Frankincense

Top with carrier oil


Roll along the jawline as needed and before bedtime to soothe those aching gums.

See my Collection -  Oils for Littles  - for all the posts associated with this series.

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Item Description

Itty Bitty: Tiny Teeth

Another rite of passage of parenting is cutting of teeth. You know it's coming when the babes start soaking through their bibs and clothing with drool. As always, we have an oil for that! 🦷


In a 10 mL roller bottle combine:

5 drops Copaiba

5 drops Lavender

5 drops Roman Chamomile

5 drops Frankincense

Top with carrier oil


Roll along the jawline as needed and before bedtime to soothe those aching gums.

See my Collection -  Oils for Littles  - for all the posts associated with this series.