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Liquid calm - roller best recipe ever

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By : Fernanda Cavaletti

Item Description

Balance is a staple in my house and is in my monthly wellness box as often as On Guard. These blend I swear by for a little extra zen.

Liquid Calm

💧 10 drops Serenity
💧 10 drops Balance
💧 10 drops Vetiver

Add the oil to 10ml roller bottle and fill the rest with FCO. Apply on temples, wrists and over your heart. 

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Item Description

Balance is a staple in my house and is in my monthly wellness box as often as On Guard. These blend I swear by for a little extra zen.

Liquid Calm

💧 10 drops Serenity
💧 10 drops Balance
💧 10 drops Vetiver

Add the oil to 10ml roller bottle and fill the rest with FCO. Apply on temples, wrists and over your heart.