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Mālama - What's Inside and Uses

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By : Vanessa Mann

Item Description

Mālama is a sparkling combination of bright citrus, enchanting floral, and centering wood aromas. This essential oil blend is intended to be your daily reminder to mālama—nurture and take care of—yourself, your community, and your environment.

This beautiful graphic helps break down to your audience the individual oils inside the blend as well as some ways to use the oil, including a DIY, helping your audience incorporate it into their daily routine. 

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Item Description

Mālama is a sparkling combination of bright citrus, enchanting floral, and centering wood aromas. This essential oil blend is intended to be your daily reminder to mālama—nurture and take care of—yourself, your community, and your environment.

This beautiful graphic helps break down to your audience the individual oils inside the blend as well as some ways to use the oil, including a DIY, helping your audience incorporate it into their daily routine.