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Natural Plant Spray // Simple DIY

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By : Amanda Cronk

Item Description

Take care of your house plants & garden with a natural DIY essential oil plant spray! Essential oils contain powerful properties that can keep your plants bug-free, naturally. This is the perfect time to educate your customers on simple, effective recipes they can make at home.

Share this simple DIY on your education groups and social media accounts. You'll notice a blank image, which allows you to create your own recipe. 

I love to upcyle glass bottles around my house and this spray was made using an empty sparkling water bottle + spray top.

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Item Description

Take care of your house plants & garden with a natural DIY essential oil plant spray! Essential oils contain powerful properties that can keep your plants bug-free, naturally. This is the perfect time to educate your customers on simple, effective recipes they can make at home.

Share this simple DIY on your education groups and social media accounts. You'll notice a blank image, which allows you to create your own recipe. 

I love to upcyle glass bottles around my house and this spray was made using an empty sparkling water bottle + spray top.