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Whisper® Touch Oil 10 mL - Pure-fume Option

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By : Louise Mulholland

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Item Description

Quick glance graphic about the new Whisper Touch 10 mL roller. 

Launched December 11th. USA market. 

  • Your personal portable aroma to keep in your bag. 
  • A complex and rich blend that combines with each individual's chemistry to create a uniquely personal fragrance.
Square orientation graphic for social media posts. Please add your watermark/logo before using. To see frequent new graphics, please follow me as a contributor. Thank you for downloading and have a lovely day! 🧚🏽

Matching graphic - Blend for Women Image

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Social Media Posts

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Item Description

Quick glance graphic about the new Whisper Touch 10 mL roller. 

Launched December 11th. USA market. 

  • Your personal portable aroma to keep in your bag. 
  • A complex and rich blend that combines with each individual's chemistry to create a uniquely personal fragrance.
Square orientation graphic for social media posts. Please add your watermark/logo before using. To see frequent new graphics, please follow me as a contributor. Thank you for downloading and have a lovely day! 🧚🏽

Matching graphic - Blend for Women Image