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Stop Being An Imposter | CTFAR (Copy Included!)

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By : Jocelyne Geprägs

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Item Description

Do you know this powerful mindset tool? The CTFAR model will help you and your business builders to differentiate different thoughts/occurences in your everyday life.

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Circumstances are all the facts of the world (think provable in a court of law). Circumstances are completely neutral. They’re neither good nor bad.Circumstances include other people, your past, and all the other facts of the world (like my hair is blonde).

Thoughts are sentences in your head. Thoughts that are repeated enough become beliefs. Thoughts are triggered by circumstances but are completely optional. Thoughts cause feelings.

Feelings are vibrations in your body caused by your thinking (contrast this with sensations, which are caused from outside your body, like hot or cold).Your feelings cause all your actions.

Actions (or inactions or reactions) are what you do (or don’t do).

Results are the effect of your actions.


Hot Tip: I have published a separate eBook all about The Model. Download your copy here:

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Remember to add your watermark or copyright to each image to protect its value. This is a single use licence. You’re welcome to use the document for promotional purposes and in your classes. Please send your builders to this page to download their own copy. 

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Item Description

Do you know this powerful mindset tool? The CTFAR model will help you and your business builders to differentiate different thoughts/occurences in your everyday life.

Use this copy to include in your post:


Circumstances are all the facts of the world (think provable in a court of law). Circumstances are completely neutral. They’re neither good nor bad.Circumstances include other people, your past, and all the other facts of the world (like my hair is blonde).

Thoughts are sentences in your head. Thoughts that are repeated enough become beliefs. Thoughts are triggered by circumstances but are completely optional. Thoughts cause feelings.

Feelings are vibrations in your body caused by your thinking (contrast this with sensations, which are caused from outside your body, like hot or cold).Your feelings cause all your actions.

Actions (or inactions or reactions) are what you do (or don’t do).

Results are the effect of your actions.


Hot Tip: I have published a separate eBook all about The Model. Download your copy here:

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one image




1080 x 1080px (Square)

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Stand out online with this beautiful social media graphic in my signature minimalist style.
Want something else? Browse my library for more designs / guides you’ll love.

Protection and permissions

Remember to add your watermark or copyright to each image to protect its value. This is a single use licence. You’re welcome to use the document for promotional purposes and in your classes. Please send your builders to this page to download their own copy.