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Stove/Oven Cleaner

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By : Luisangela Fermin

Item Description

Cleaning the oven is the absolute worst, am I right? I know it is one of the chores that I tend to put off. For a simple solution, I use this DIY Oven Cleaner:

½ cup baking soda
1 tbsp coarse salt
¼ cup liquid dish soap
5 drops Lemon essential oil (or any citrus)

✅ Directions: 

Combine ingredients to make a thick paste
Apply a generous layer to the inside of the oven and let it sit for a few hours.
Clean out with a damp sponge

Voila! Easy as that! No scrubbing or chemicals necessary. Are you going to try this?

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Item Description

Cleaning the oven is the absolute worst, am I right? I know it is one of the chores that I tend to put off. For a simple solution, I use this DIY Oven Cleaner:

½ cup baking soda
1 tbsp coarse salt
¼ cup liquid dish soap
5 drops Lemon essential oil (or any citrus)

✅ Directions: 

Combine ingredients to make a thick paste
Apply a generous layer to the inside of the oven and let it sit for a few hours.
Clean out with a damp sponge

Voila! Easy as that! No scrubbing or chemicals necessary. Are you going to try this?