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Testimonial Time

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By : Jan Kohler

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Item Description

Testimonial Time set of graphics:

Single Graphic Download. 

Do you know how powerful your community testimonials are? Not only does this allow people to share their stories, but it also inadvertently educates your community in a crowd sourcing way (hey two birds, one stone!) 

This Set of Graphics focuses on...

Top oils and your community's experiences

Some of the "unsung hero" oils and their uses (let's get your community using the oils that may be collecting dust!)

Top supplements and why they are important (hello retention)

Allowing your community to have a voice, and share their story

27+ days Engagement posts

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Social Media Posts

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Item Description

Testimonial Time set of graphics:

Single Graphic Download. 

Do you know how powerful your community testimonials are? Not only does this allow people to share their stories, but it also inadvertently educates your community in a crowd sourcing way (hey two birds, one stone!) 

This Set of Graphics focuses on...

Top oils and your community's experiences

Some of the "unsung hero" oils and their uses (let's get your community using the oils that may be collecting dust!)

Top supplements and why they are important (hello retention)

Allowing your community to have a voice, and share their story

27+ days Engagement posts