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Turmeric roller recipes

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By : Fernanda Cavaletti

Item Description

This powerful plant is known for all sorts of health benefits. Turmeric powder has been all the rage in the health and wellness world, but the Turmeric essential oil is where we really find the greatest benefits of the spice. Turmeric essential oil is known to be water soluble, where turmeric powder is fat soluble.

We can use Turmeric to:
Support temporary discomfort and inflammation
Help support healthy nervous and cellular function
Support clean and healthy-looking skin while reducing the appearance of blemishes
Help support healthy glucose and lipid metabolism when taken internally
In cooking - add a drop to your Turmeric Latte, scrambled eggs, rice, soup or sauteed greens for a subtle spicy and peppery flavor

Did you know that Turmeric is used for crop rotation with sugarcane because it provides valuable nutrients back to the soil? Sustainability at its finest!

Have you jumped on the Turmeric train?

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Item Description

This powerful plant is known for all sorts of health benefits. Turmeric powder has been all the rage in the health and wellness world, but the Turmeric essential oil is where we really find the greatest benefits of the spice. Turmeric essential oil is known to be water soluble, where turmeric powder is fat soluble.

We can use Turmeric to:
Support temporary discomfort and inflammation
Help support healthy nervous and cellular function
Support clean and healthy-looking skin while reducing the appearance of blemishes
Help support healthy glucose and lipid metabolism when taken internally
In cooking - add a drop to your Turmeric Latte, scrambled eggs, rice, soup or sauteed greens for a subtle spicy and peppery flavor

Did you know that Turmeric is used for crop rotation with sugarcane because it provides valuable nutrients back to the soil? Sustainability at its finest!

Have you jumped on the Turmeric train?