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Sexy Bedroom Spray

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By : Amanda Cronk

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Item Description

Pre-made graphics + image of a bedroom spray, perfect to encourage some extra love in the bedroom! 

This is a great image to use leading up to Valentine's Day! Encourage your customers to create their own spray to enjoy for Valentine's Day and everyday ;) 

Two images includes a simple recipe and one image is blank, allowing you to suggest your own favourite bedroom spray.

The recipe includes: Cinnamon Bark, Ylang Ylang & Sandalwood

Share on your Instagram, Facebook, Newsletter etc. and make sure your customers get excited about using their essential oils in the bedroom!

Check out Valentine's Day Diffuser Blends for more ways to set the mood! 

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Item Description

Pre-made graphics + image of a bedroom spray, perfect to encourage some extra love in the bedroom! 

This is a great image to use leading up to Valentine's Day! Encourage your customers to create their own spray to enjoy for Valentine's Day and everyday ;) 

Two images includes a simple recipe and one image is blank, allowing you to suggest your own favourite bedroom spray.

The recipe includes: Cinnamon Bark, Ylang Ylang & Sandalwood

Share on your Instagram, Facebook, Newsletter etc. and make sure your customers get excited about using their essential oils in the bedroom!

Check out Valentine's Day Diffuser Blends for more ways to set the mood!