2019 Convention Insider’s Guide, Part 2
Aug 28, 2019
Are you Livestreaming doTERRA’s Global Convention?
We know that getting the time off work, coordinating childcare, or even high travel costs may have put the brakes on your attending doTERRA’s global convention in person this year. 😔
We get it.
Luckily, you can still absorb all the amazing information by connecting to the livestream for $60. The livestream gives you unlimited access to all general sessions until October 31st, where you can watch and take notes as it fits into your schedule. Brilliant!
Here are 4 fun tips from One Drop for a stellar livestream experience:

Tip 1: Throw a Convention Watch Party! Invite your friends and team over and throw your own Convention Watch Party. Get some healthy snacks, comfy seating (and clothes!) and then listen and learn together! Watching as a group can be a great team building opportunity for those who can’t attend in person. Some ideas:
- Test your connection and equipment ahead of time.
- Plan to take breaks. Watching TV non-stop can overload the senses. Get up and moving frequently!
- Make time to talk as a group about what you're learning, feeling, and what everyone is excited about.
- Use oils! Diffuse uplifting, citrus blends. Pass around Peppermint for a pick-me-up. And use Rosemary aromatically to help with memory!

Tip 2: Get organized. Use a free tool like Trello to create a “Convention 2019” BOARD. Then, add a LIST for each day of Convention. Under each list, create a CARD for each speaker, titled by their Topic. Now you have an organized way to take your top notes that’s easy to share and searchable for quick reference in the future! Plus, when you see a slide on the livestream that you want to save, simply use your favorite screengrab tool to quickly copy that image into the Trello card alongside your notes.

Tip 3: Don’t try to save everything. Consider that trying to copy every image or take notes on all the things can actually make you remember LESS and feel more overwhelmed. Instead, try to be present as you watch a segment, pause, and then write out your top 2-3 takeaways from that one segment. Compile a list of the most important things that you learned. Some questions to ask yourself:
- What ideas or feelings touched me?
- What concepts inspired me?
- What actions will I take? (Highlight these!)
- Who do I know that needs to hear this?
This collection of the top 2-3 takeaways for each segment across all of Convention will create a powerful, inspiring workbook for you going forward!

Tip 4: Share what you are learning. Now that you have this amazing collection of things that inspired you, it’s time to act. Take your list and jump into your social media feed, customer groups, or brand page and share what you are learning. Here are some ideas:
- What new products am I excited about, why?
- Where is doTERRA making an impact that inspires me?
- What's something new I learned about a product that I've already been using?
The fastest and best way to retain something is to teach it!

Bonus Tip: Commit to attending next year with us!
Being at dōTERRA convention in person is an incredible experience. Keeli went to her first convention as an Elite, and then went back the following year as a Diamond!
Don’t underestimate the power of proximity and feeling the heartbeat of the company your are partnering with.
Now, even though you can't snag up a Convention Kit in person, dōTERRA is generally pretty good about getting it into your back office soon after convention. That just leaves one dilemma ...
New oils, new products, and possibly new enrollment kits! This generally means we all need new pictures and marketing materials ... and we all know how dōTERRA isn't the fastest at getting these out to us.
Don’t stress, we have you covered.
Up next: How to successfully promote Convention highlights and new products!