Don’t blame it on the BOGO’s! 😂 Build momentum that LASTS
May 05, 2020
Don't teeter ... Build a solid foundation after a big month!
Did last month blow your mind!? dōTERRA did an incredible job of layering promotions to completely spoil our customers all month long. And while we are oh so grateful ... we’re now stepping into May wanting to hold on to that momentum in our businesses.
Let’s talk about how to solidify your rank and maintain momentum! Here are a few PROVEN steps that work.
*Tip: Virtually check off each item as you go through this list

Your mind arrives first. Always.
What story are you telling yourself around your rank? Is a small part of you writing off your success last month, giving all the credit to the BOGOs and promos? First, this simply isn't true! Don't allow scarcity mindset to creep in and tell you a lie that you can only succeed during big promo months. The truth is that there is so much opportunity right now and it always starts with YOU.
With your positive mind in the driver's seat, it's essential to walk into every day this month and tell yourself the story you want to see in your business:
- Your growing team is incredible!
- Your customers love to live the dōTERRA lifestyle!
- Your builders are on FIRE!
Watch the story you have around your business and where you put your energy: Where your focus goes, your business grows.

If you need help with your mindset ...
Take this training:
Use this oil:
Go through this checklist:

We are oil educators, not oil sales people.
Dr. Hill has stated that a primary role of dōTERRA is to EDUCATE the world about essential oils. The backbone of your business should be built on teaching about oils. Your team craves this education and with new oils on their shelf, NOW is the best time to expand their knowledge around their new wellness tools.
Think about what your customers just purchased this past month. Create a virtual class or event around these new oils, such as ... a Post BOGO breakdown or BOGO eBook review ... a BOGO “After Party” … a Mother's Day gift guide review … or a DIY class to show your customers how to save money. Get creative!
Think: What relevant continuing education can I offer my team this month?
Search the One Drop library to quickly find supporting graphics and resources. Make a schedule and coordinate with your leaders to leverage their time. Email it out. Personally invite your people. Make it fun with raffles and use giveaways to encourage that they invite friends to attend!
Ongoing, consistent education creates a strong, engaged community and as new customers watch others get excited and participate, they see just how easy it is to live the “dōTERRA Lifestyle” themselves.

People crave a connection with YOU.
Pause for a moment and think: Who came into my oil community last month?
Have you connected in with them to do a membership overview yet? Have you shown them how to use the oils they already purchased? Do they know how to order more? Often overlooked but CRITICAL to long term success, these 30 minute calls are invaluable to establish a connection with your new customers, and in creating a pipeline for your business.
If you are not doing your membership overviews, you are missing a vital piece of sustaining your rank. (RE)commit to doing them! Get them scheduled today and then follow through. You can do this!
Check out these awesome related resources on One Drop:

Enrollments are the heartbeat of your business and rank.
If you (yes YOU😊) are not actively enrolling and adding new people to your community, the chances of sustaining your rank become super slim.
How is your personal pipeline running? Are you making new connections, teaching, following up, and enrolling yourself? These actions put you in the driver seat of your business.
Use these and other helpful resources on One Drop:
Love some of the ideas in this email? GREAT! Now, sit down with your calendar and map this out. Right now. Don't wait! Create a plan and watch the miracles flow in when you work the plan.
"There are so many professional looking choices to share to any of your social media platforms. Running a business thankfully just got easier! As a mom of four that I homeschool, I didn't have much time to sit down to create graphics to share, and it was so stressful. Now One Drop has eliminated all of that. I grab the graphics I need, post and go make new connections 💜 Thank you One Drop!" - Chrisandra B., dōTERRA Wellness Advocate |
Stay tuned in our next email to learn all about some incredible incentives dōTERRA just launched in building your business!