Resources   >>  Launch new builders with ease! 🚀

Launch new builders with ease! 🚀

One Drop is all about making things easy. With searchable access to over 53,365 beautiful dōTERRA items at your fingertips, it has never been easier to build your business! A top question we get is ...

“How do I launch my builders? 🤔”

Let’s dive into this topic with 2 things that make this simple, effective, and highly duplicable! (5 minute read)

First, let's look at how to FIND builders ...

Shhh ... want the secret?? 👉 Membership Overviews. Your biggest return in your business will be when you take the time to help your new member understand the dōTERRA lifestyle they just unlocked by joining up with you. You want to understand why they purchased their oils, answer their questions, and show them how to get the MOST out of their membership through our rewards program.
Now here's the key. The end of your conversation should always include an offering to show them how to get their oils paid for, even if they enrolled as a Wholesale Customer. Be consistent with this and you will be shocked at how many people are interested to learn more.
This truly breaks down to the numbers. The more people you enroll, the more people you offer this to, the higher your odds will be to find builders. It also comes back to your energy and your confidence around knowing what their next step is – then leading them to it.

So now you have someone who is interested (yay!) but what do you plug them into?  

  • How do you train them? 
  • How do you lead with passion and purpose?
  • How do you teach them, when you are still learning?

Babe, if you are feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or even a little embarrassed at your growth, let us help! You are not alone, and building this business is not always easy, but it can be simple.

Why is this distinction important? When people are confused or overwhelmed, they will find a million other things to do instead. And when your mind feels like something is simple, you will take action. This is human nature so use it in your favor!

New builders really only need TWO THINGS ...

The foundation of doing this business always roots back to PIPES. Let’s quickly look at questions you can ask, with a few items from the One Drop library that can support you in each area.

Preparing: Do you have your classes mapped out for the next month? Do you have samples ready to go out? Do you know who you are inviting? Do you have your time blocked out to work your business?

Inviting: Are you keeping a running list of people you want to invite to your next event? Are you adding to your list daily? Are you following up with people who have been sampled and/or to an event? Have you connected with them and invited them to your next event? Search: invite

Presenting: Do you have your presentation down? Does it run smoothly, or are there areas that you need to practice? Have you dialed in your timing (no one wants to sit in an hour long class anymore)? Do you feel comfortable with your closing of the class? Search: class

Enrolling: Are people actually joining your community? Do you feel confident showing people the benefits of the kits and the perks of being a part of your team? Do you consistently enroll people? Search: enroll

Supporting: Are you taking the extra few steps and supporting your community? Are you adding value with simple and FUN continuing education? (that is a big piece of this to engage with you members!) Are you focusing on membership overviews? Are you launching leaders? These support actions will fuel your business forward. Search: education

This is the second critical piece that will help maintain and sustain your new leaders. It is so easy to hide or procrastinate in this business when NO ONE is holding you accountable. So if you want to launch a leader and see them succeed, make sure you have ongoing accountability built into their experience.
A few ideas: Weekly Zoom calls, Voxer chat, IG video chat, Messenger, texting, emails. Find the communication tools that work best for both of you ... AND THEN STICK TO IT!
Whatever “system” works for you, get consistent and teach the business that way. Hold their hand. Be willing to be their accountability partner until they develop the skill set and confidence in themselves.

Focus on these 2 things 👆 and watch your business grow!

This business is meant to be fun. It is meant to be fulfilling. It is meant to show you that you can create financial and time freedom through doing something that you love and that you are REALLY good at. When you keep it simple, and focus on these two areas, YOU will look like a seasoned PRO to any new builder that comes into your business.

Refer your new leaders to get their own dōTERRA resource toolset from One Drop, and they will be completely set up for success! 

"Never..NOT Once have I regretted the purchase of this tool. Seriously. TIME is so precious.."
- K. Hughes,
dōTERRA Wellness Advocate

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