The Four E’s to Rank with Frank in December!
Dec 01, 2019
dōTERRA gave us a massive in December, offering a FREE bottle of Frankincense with any 200pv order!
Follow our exclusive FOUR E's guide below to help you leverage this 200pv promotion to either solidify your rank ... or rank up!

- Process a standard order on their account for 200pv anytime during the month of December. Their free Frankincense will automatically be added in.
- Process a 200pv Loyalty Rewards order anytime during the month and get their shipping back in free product points, their rewards percentage back, and their free Frankincense.
- Process a 200pv Loyalty Rewards order on or before the 15th of December and get their shipping back in free product points, their rewards percentage back, their free Product of the Month oil, holiday ornaments AND their free Frankincense.

Once your customers know their options, let’s dive deep into educating them on how many ways they can use Frankincense.
Utilize your One Drop library to pull this content and schedule it to get in front of your customers throughout the month. This can be done via email campaigns, a Facebook group, or weekly in person meetups. Here are some incredible ideas ...

Now if you really want to level up engagement, run a "12 Days of dōTERRA Giveaways" campaign with your team in your user community group! This is a really fun way to ask for feedback from your community and get your finger on the pulse of what they want to learn more about. It is also great to allow your community to educate each other on simple uses for oils + share testimonials.

Now that you have a plan to educate and engage with this incredible promo, let’s shift to NEW enrollments. Since this is a holiday month, the secret is to look at treating the beginning of the month like you do the end of the month ... this is what we call FRONT LOADING. It's the same amount of work you do each month, just shifts the timing to NOW, allowing you to get to the holidays with your dōTERRA business already wrapped up.
- Current Customers. We explained how to engage them above, but please don’t forget that an enrollment is only the beginning! Do your membership overviews ... this is your pipeline! Go through your organization and see who is not on LRP. Make it a point to connect in with them in the first 7 days of the month. Make sure they are using their oils they already have, and show them how easy the dōTERRA lifestyle really is as a wholesale member.
- Classes. Ask your current customers who love the oils if they want to get together and host a workshop. Offer a free gift for hosting a successful class within the next 15 days. You teach, they can invite their friends and it will be good time!
- One on Ones ... THESE will likely be your bread and butter this month because people will be busier than normal. Flex your schedule around others. Coffee shops will be your hot spot, be okay with that and make yourself available to meet people where it's convenient for them!
- Follow ups. Anyone that you have sampled, invited to a class, or talked with about dōTERRA ... share with them the power of Frankincense and why they should not let this epic deal pass them by. Share YOUR personal love for this oil. That is how you'll get them to connect with the value it can have in their life!
Secret advantage: One Drop members don't waste their time creating graphics, taking photos, or making campaigns ... their time is truly free to work harder on the income producing activities in their business (and enjoy the holidays more!)
Help share your ❤️❤️❤️ of One Drop by telling your team about it ...
Our Black Friday deal was such a hit, we EXTENDED it through Cyber Week!