TOP LEVEL secrets on how to get to 💎 Diamond FAST! (One Drop)
Oct 17, 2019
Want to know how top level leaders figured out how to balance a family, a job, a life ... and building their dōTERRA empire?
Apply these TOP LEVEL secrets in your dōTERRA business!
👉 Tip #1: Create a clear plan
Now, before you think this is yet another email to tell you to prioritize your dōTERRA business into your already busy life, it’s not. We'll actually give you a tangible tool and a simple strategy that you can start to implement TODAY that will truly make your business run like a well-oiled machine.
Ready? Let's dive in!
Where are my list makers at?
- Do you LOVE making a “To-Do” list? ❤️
- Find so much satisfaction in crossing things off your list? ✔️
- …even to the point that you will “add” something on your list that you have already accomplished just to cross it off? 😂
Ha. We get it.
But what about the opposite? When your TO-DO list is a mile long and you never feel like you make a dent? 😩
The overwhelm.
The paralysis.
The throwing in the towel because it is JUST. TOO. MUCH.
We get this too.

What if you could be substantially more effective with the small slivers of time you do have? It's not only possible, it is actually easier than you might think ....
Let’s start by rethinking your list in 3 easy steps:
Download this FREE Daily Brain Dump worksheet on One Drop:
Go through and brain dump everything that you need to accomplish in each quadrant. Don't judge it, just write it down and get it out of your head!
Circle the top 3 things in each quadrant that are non-negotiable that you will tackle first.
You will have a total of 12 items to accomplish: your "Top 12" for the day. Some of these will be easy and quick, and some may take a bit more time.
Now, look at your schedule today and time block when you will accomplish each item. Actually put them into your calendar. As your day is now planned out, simply follow the plan!
Anything that you get accomplished beyond your top 12 is just that, a BONUS!
Creating clarity and intention in your daily actions will have powerful results in your dōTERRA business and your life. And as you become consistent with this, you'll feel happier and accomplish MORE with less stress. Who doesn't want that?
Next up ... we will share a powerful way to get a week's worth of work knocked out in one sit down session. Stay tuned!