Want the secret sauce? Just do these 3 golden things ?
Jul 09, 2020
When you started your dōTERRA business, what was the heart pull that nudged you to start sharing these precious little oils? Why this company and these oils? What brought you home to dōTERRA? What is YOUR story?
These questions are always at the front of our minds as top leaders in this company.
Why? Because knowing WHY you are here is the heartbeat of your business.

When you lose sight of your why, you forget the bigger picture. You forget the person you were before you held these little brown bottles in your hands. You forget that there was a spark of belief that you truly can create something bigger than yourself. You forget the deep desire that you had for true time freedom. You forget that you were chosen to do this work and you can even forget that YOU are really good at this.
It's when your belief shakes (and it will because #entrepreneurship is never a straight shot) that you need to lean even harder into WHY you started this in the first place.
You do know we have the MOST PURE, MOST TESTED, MOST TRUSTED essential oils in the world right?! 😏
If you are feeling any overwhelm with this business, with where to start, how to talk to people, how to get more enrollments and find leaders, how to lead a team, how to mentor people who might not be doing the things...
We officially invite you to SIMPLIFY the process.
When this business is stripped down, we have just three simple steps to follow:

1. Share these oils in a way that helps someone else.
This should be a part of your daily life, not just another thing you've added into your life. When you personally love and use the oils to solve your family's health priorities, it is easy to recommend them to a friend who you know needs similar solutions!
Keep it casual during ordinary conversations simply by asking questions. People love to share pain points, and questions make it easy to discover their health priorities.
Seek to help ... not to sell!

2. Show them how to get oils into their home.
This doesn’t need to be complicated at all. To help someone enroll with a kit, or a custom starter kit, you are unlocking the door for them to find a healthier lifestyle. Your help can change their health ... and life, forever!
What a gift you get to give! See it that way and it will change everything.
Don't forget to leverage dōTERRA's monthly promotions to create a sense of excitement and urgency!

3. Support them by showing how to use their oils.
Help them find the important resources, tools, and your private community to stay connected. Show up for them and guide them along, showing how to make simple and easy shifts to natural solutions in their home. This is a lifestyle change for many people, so be there to walk beside them on their journey.
The hero in every story has a guide. Be theirs!

That's it. Truly.
Don’t get lost in the busy-ness of your business. Continue to lean on tools like One Drop to leverage your time, so you can focus on what you love about this business. Let our team of nearly 140 talented Contributors do the heavy lifting for you in this area!
Don’t forget to jump into our Facebook Community page where we share tons of links, content, and Keeli does an exclusive weekly Live Q&A to answer any questions you have! https://www.facebook.com/groups/onedropdesigns/